Happy Mother’s Day to Me!

Still working on organizing pics…have taken new ones but they aren’t on the computer yet.  Had a good Mother’s Day – went to Ingrid’s in the afternoon and saw Michelle, Craig, Caitlyn, Mike, Erin, Tom (Shmina), Liz, Brian and of course Ingrid and Paul.  We had a good cookout (and mac and cheese too!!) and just hung out.  After, we went over to Mom and Mike’s to see Mom’s new peach tree (it’s Sophie’s gift to Grandma) and have dinner.  The highlight for me were the steak kabobs on the grill and the frozen corn.  I’m usually not a fan of the frozen corn from the year before but this was really sweet and delicious.

I was inspired by the pictures they try to sell you at Penney’s when you go in for portrait’s so I came up with my own variety.  Let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas.  I just used PowerPoint (the new 2007 version is great) and Saved As a jpeg.  They wanted to charge $30 for something pretty similar to this at JC Penney…I’ll make you one for $10 :-)



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