
Started the garden today!  Planted peas – two varieties – and some carrots and radishes.  We chose two types of peas because one is the snap kind that you can eat whole and the other is the shelling kind.  Figured we could use the shelled peas for Sophie food.  I mixed the radishes in with the carrots because one of the packets said that the radishes bloom early so they loosen the soil and make things easier for the carrots.  We have more room in the row for the peas so maybe we’ll start more in a couple of weeks. 

Sophie was good for Ingrid today – full of laughs and giggles…and then things turned.  I took her over to Mom’s while I worked in the garden and she pretty much screamed the entire time. 

Tom bought batteries today so we should have new pictures soon.  He also brought home my Mother’s Day present:  two rocking chairs and a table for the front porch.  It is SO awesome.  I’ve been saying how much I love those chairs for a couple of years now; since Rosie and I went to the Red Barn.  It was very cool to come home and see them on the porch.  I’ll have pictures up soon.

Sophie has an appt. on Wednesday so we’ll see how well things are going.  Unfortunately, she’ll also be getting shots!

I’ll take new pics soon – in the meantime enjoy the eating video from the other week.  We started out with it really thin (that’s how they said to mix it) and now she’s on to thick cereal and loving it!


NANA said...

Shauna, get some sleep! Sophie is going to have the best baby book ever, and she is not even a movie star! Not yet at least.

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