
So, so much to be thankful for this holiday.  It is so great to have friends and family close, and we were lucky to have Kelly & Brian come to stay with us for the holiday.  Kaelin was here the whole weekend and Kourtney and Sam were added to the mix on Friday evening.  The turkey turned out great, if I do say so myself.  But back to that in a minute – a couple of things that I want to add before I forget.
1. Sophie said “blue” yesterday (in the correct context) when talking about a tote.  She’s been great using it ever since.  It’s like her talking comes in waves.  She’s stringing together two and three words sentences like crazy now.
2. When I put her down for her nap today, she knocked down the gate after about an hour so I went in to tuck her back in.  After laying there for a few seconds, she closed her eyes and did her fake snore.  The funny thing is that she wasn’t trying to be funny, I think she was just trying to go to sleep.  I tried to hold laughter back but I couldn’t.  Fortunately, she still fell asleep a couple of minutes later.
3. Right now she is “typing” on her computer next to me saying “Mommy, mommy”
4. Max is getting so big…every time I look at him I can’t believe that he’s going to be a big boy soon using a computer at the table with me.

Ok, so back to the holiday:  Kelly and Brian came to town on Wednesday night with Pam.  Pam stayed at Mom’s, Kelly, Brian, and Kaelin stayed here.  Scott and Gricelda (and Miguel) stayed at Sandy’s.  Pam and Mom watched the kiddos here while we went out with Kelly and Brian for a few hours.  It was great to see Megan and I will always look forward to Hardy stories (they are great storytellers!) – she provided a great quote for the weekend:  You think you know somebody, then you find your birth control in the garbage…  Other highlights of the night included seeing a guy walking down the sidewalk by Muggshots carrying a chainsaw…at 10pm.  Classic.  That and watching Brian squeeze into the back seat really completed a night of fun!

{{this has been sitting in drafts and i don’t seem to be getting close to finishing it, so i thought i’d publish what i have}}


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