Oops…forgot to post updates

IMG_7306 [wrote this on Tuesday last week…just now posting it]

IMG_7269 Sophie had her 9 month checkup last week.  Everything went well – she’s still growing like a weed.  She weighed in at 19+ pounds (I have the paper at home) and 29.5 inches (I think, again, paper is at home).  The moral of the story is that she’s 92% in height and 75% in weight so pretty consistent with the last appointment.

Unfortunately, she’s at a difficult size for clothes shopping.  Most 12 month clothes fit very perfectly (and by perfect, I mean that’ll probably only last for about the next month or so).  This makes me hesitant to buy 12 month stuff when I get her something because the 18 month stuff will last a little longer…but most of the stuff is just a little too big yet.  Oh the joys.

We’ve had a busy couple of weeks.  I’ve started taking Sophie to the BAISD playgroup at Standish Elementary on Tuesdays.  It’s been great because she gets to have some free time to play with other kids and learn some social skills but it’s also very structured so it’s nice to start to introduce that kind of routine.  She absolutely LOVES when they play the guitar in the circle.

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On Saturday we went to Moore’s Farm for a hayride and fun with friends.  What a great place they have out there!  (I guess you could say it’s a bit of an improvement over the cabin we went to in high school!)  It’s so much fun to get to see everyone and chat, eat, and drink.  It can be fun to go to the bar sometimes, but I’d much rather do something like we did on Saturday so you can actually get a chance to talk to people (I know, I sound old when I say it like that!)  Sophie wasn’t great on the hayride until I let her look out the back; maybe she has issues with peoples in hats.  If anyone has pics, please send them along as I didn’t take my camera with me.  Thanks!

Sunday Sunday Sunday.  Tom, Grant, Pat, and I golfed in the Huron Breeze end of the season scramble.  It was a good time – I’d never golfed a “big-hole” before so that was interesting.  Unfortunately, I didn’t golf my best game – my irons were struggling.  However, my driver was probably the best it’s been.  Tom suggested a change in my stance and it’s really added more power to my swing.  We ended up even-par.  Tom picked golf balls for his gift and I picked a pullover.  It was a good day.


IMG_7315 Tom took Monday off (he had some time built up from his extra work last week) so we ran out to Caseville and visited Greg, Rosie, and Evie at their cabin.  We’ve been talking about getting out there for a couple of years so it was nice to get up to the place and hang out.  Sophie wasn’t a great baby (she was starting to get a little tooth next her bottom ones) for the trip but we were still able to play some Scattergories while Evie was taking her nap.  I can’t believe how big she is getting – she’s so inquisitive and quick to pick up different words.  It’s just funny to watch because she was always so intense thinking about everything she sees and explores.  We stopped by Riverside for dinner on the way out – at this point Sophie was so exhausted she slept through dinner and part of the way home.  I think she was asleep before we even got to the paved road!


On Tuesday we went to playgroup again.  Yesterday we hung out most of the day until I had to go work at the JH Football game.  Sophie’s new trick is pulling herself up to standing in the crib.  Hopefully today Tom will get a chance to lower it down.  She’s definitely got a personality that comes out more and more every day; however, that personality may best be defined as “stinker”.  She hasn’t been eating much lately – not sure if it’s a result of teething, the fact that she’s preoccupied with other stuff, a natural shift in growing and appetite, or a precursor to a growth spurt.  If there’s one thing I know about Sophie, it’s that she loves to keep us guessing.

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