…for a nap. Finally. She really was fighting sleep this morning, which means that she gets over-tired, which means she fights sleep even more. This seems to be a common problem as she learns something new, and she’s been learning up a storm lately. First of all, she’s been talking more, which is nice. The “ba” sound seems to be a favorite right now, though I think she’s actually starting to get the hang of “up”, though she says it after I have her in my arms. It’s funny, because it’s like she’s saying it to herself, like “I gotta remember this word, ‘up’, ‘up’, ‘up’…” Sometimes I think she signs “Mom” and “Dad”, but nothing consistent yet. I probably should practice that more than I do to see better results. She’s learning other things too. I help put her legs under her sometimes so that her belly is off the ground and she has been trying to it herself today (just one leg though). If she keeps trying, I see crawling soon in the future but sometimes she tries something for a couple of days and then forgets about it for weeks. I guess that’s to be expected when you have SO much to learn.
Let’s see, what else…. Oh, she has been kind of flicking things with her fingers for the last couple of days. I think she started doing this because her one music book has parts that pivot back and forth and make noises when you do that so she’s just expanded that movement to everything to see what happens. It’s funny when she’s on her stomach because she’ll flick her toys further away and then try to crawl to them. If I put them closer, she’ll push them away again so maybe there’s some intention to it. She hasn’t been a great eater for the last couple of days. For whatever reason she no longer likes home-made stuff from the garden. It’s not a new batch so it shouldn’t taste any different. Maybe it’s the texture; hopefully she’ll outgrow it!
Max, Lisa, and the kids came up to visit for the weekend. It was great to see those guys again and hang out like old times. In between Bid 500 and Guitar Hero we went to the beach and the pool. It’s too bad they don’t live closer so we could see them more often.
Enjoy the pics. I’m working on getting them up to Kodak. I need a rainy weekend with nothing planned! I really like this one of Zeke. He’s been such a good boy with her – he always lays by her when I put her outside (but he might just want to steal the blanket!)
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