Cruisin’ for a Bluesin’

yeah, the titles are the favorite part of the post for me…IMG_6773We headed up to Tawas on Saturday to catch Leroy McCray at the Tawas Blues Festival.  I thought he was great – more of a rock-style blues, probably akin to a little Lynyrd Skynyrd or Stevie Ray Vaughn.  They wrapped up around 10:30 so we went out with Grant, Amy, and the Shminas to grab some pizza and chat before calling it a night.  I’m glad we went and Sophie got to spend some quality time with her Nana!


Sophie’s been a little clingy lately – I think because of the teeth.  I’m not sure, but it seems like she’s trying to get all 4 top front teeth at once.  She got her left one that’s just left of middle and it looks like the opposite one is getting close but her right middle one might come in first.  All in all, it makes for an inconsistent little baby.

Not much is new around here.  Tom built some nice shelves for the basement so I finished organizing some stuff down there…now I just need to bring some more stuff back from Mom’s…

Garden is going well – in spite of the fact that we had about 5 days of summer.  I’m not complaining too much, I actually enjoy fall weather, but part of the reason I like Michigan is that it usually gives me just enough of summer or winter to make me sick of it and then I look forward to the next season…not so much this year.IMG_6715

Sophie is still working on her army crawl…actually, she only works on it if there is something forbidden out of reach so when I want her to show off her skills I just put a remote or phone just out of reach and watch her go for it.  She might actually be saying DaDa and DaoDao (dog?) because she does make those sounds when Tom or Zeke come around.  Or maybe that’s just her excited sound.

The start of school is just around the corner and it doesn’t look like there’s going to be any openings (but I sort of expected that I guess).  Another year of subbing is not very appealing, but what choice do I have?  I know things will turn around eventually, but I really do wish I could get into my own classroom.

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