Just a Flingin’

IMG_6397 What a great (and busy) week we’ve had.  Mom just hosted another fantastic Flanagan Fling (despite the weather).  We headed over in the afternoon on Friday to harvest some of the garden and to help set up but Mom and Mike already had most everything taken care of.  Grant had all his water-toys at the County Park for the weekend and was staying in a cabin so we went over to see him for a bit.  We were all set to head back when we realized that the kill switch thingy had come off of Tom’s life jacket on his way back to shore so we tried to find it in the water (in the middle of a lightning storm!)  We didn’t find it but Grant headed back out after the water laid down flat and was able to see it so that was good!

IMG_6402[As I write this, I’m longing for the days (a few weeks ago) when Sophie was a better sleeper.  Lately she has a harder time falling asleep and will wake up during the night or early in the morning just looking for her binky.  She never used to rely on it so much – she’d just chew on her hand and “talk”, but now she is outright crying.  I’m hoping it’s a phase and she’ll go back to being a good sleeper soon!]

IMG_6422 We started Saturday off by heading up to Megan’s shower.  The worst part about this weekend being so busy was that I didn’t really have time to hang out with Megan and catch up on things.  It was rainy when I headed over to the farm, but there was no time to waste in setting up the Flanagan Fling Olympics.  Though there was some overlap, we had kid and adult events to participate in.  I think most had a good time with the games – I know that I like to have a bunch of different games to play.  It was good to hang out and see everyone again; we really should make a point to get together more often.

Tom and I went out to the Pavilion and Muggshots on Saturday night (Pam and Steve were staying here so they kept an eye on Sophie).  It was a typical Car Show Saturday night.  It was great to see everyone that we did since we don’t usually get out much and there were more people out than usual.  Muggshots was crazy-busy; I kept wondering what the fire code was on the place because it was absolutely packed!

On Sunday we headed up to the car show for a bit to walk around.  There didn’t seem to be as many cars as last year but the weather could have had something to do with it.  We had some vicious storms off and on all weekend and some steady rain.  The rain was definitely needed – we just would have preferred it waiting a couple of days!  Next on the agenda was Andrea’s bridal shower.  The rain showed her no mercy as well and her outdoor shower was held for the most part inside.  I won the “Pin the Mustache on the Mexican” game, so that was nice.  :-)

IMG_6412Sophie did well all weekend – she’s in heaven when there is all that action going on (but getting her to take a nap in the middle of it all is another story).  She must have spend hours in the jumper at Mom’s.  Our other standard was to put her in the stroller outside.  It was so nice to have Kelly’s kids around because they are all so good with Sophie (thanks I’m sure to the recent practice with Kaelin and now Miguel) that it keeps her thoroughly entertained.  Sophie also got a chance to play with the neighbors’ grandson this weekend (he’s 15 months old).  She absolutely loves to hang out with other little kids so I know we’ll be looking forward to little Alex coming up in the future.

It’s crazy how much Sophie seems to grow (not always in size, but just developmentally too) every day.  She’s doing a great job eating Cheerios and other more “solid” foods now that she’s figured out how to close her lips to keep the food from coming out.  And now that she’s figured out how to close her lips she’s been chewing on her bottom one for the last couple of days.  She’s also a pro at sitting up now, only falling backwards every now and then.  I can’t wait to see what she can do next!!


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