Is it October already?

IMG_5849 Yes, if you go by the weather.  Things are supposed to be turning around this weekend though, so that’s good.  I mean, I really do like these temperatures and all, it’s just a little disorientating for my internal clock/calendar.

Garden is doing fabulous.  I still have to get some pictures in here of it.  Give me time (I know, 2 months isn’t enough time?)

Busy times coming up!  Heading out to the beach tomorrow for some cooking and hanging and all that stuff.  Should be fun; plus Mom got a cabin so we’ll be able to get out of the sun with Sophie for a bit.  Then Sunday morning, bright (well, dark) and early (4:30) we’ll be heading for the UP.  I’m really looking forward to it because we haven’t traveled since last March which is a pretty long stretch for us to go!

IMG_5871 A couple of things I wanted to mention:
1. Spray and Wash is fabulous.  I mean, it’s not a miracle worker, but darn near close.  I give a good squirt to many of Sophie’s clothes as I’m throwing them in the wash (she’s a spit-monster…) and let them sit 5-10 minutes before turning on the machine.  Most things come out, so that’s nice!
2. Speaking of spit, we are using Similac Advanced and it doesn’t seem to stain.  When we were first out of the hospital we were using some pre-mixed Enfamil and it would stain her bibs and clothes (not only is she a spit-monster, but she used to be a very messy drinker).
3. Went to the Carters Outlet today in West Branch.  Fabulous news:  you can take back anything you buy there at anytime.  No 30- or 90-day limits.  Since they were having a great sale today, I bought a few things that I may or may not use (5 pack of onesies from $25 down to $6…can’t beat that!)  I’m just keeping Carters receipts separate and writing the date on the hanger (Mom’s idea) so that it’s easier to match the clothes with the correct receipt.  I’ll leave the stuff hanging on one side of the closet until I need to use it and if I don’t end up using it I’ll just take it back.  Now ain’t that grand!?

Enjoy your holiday!  I always have a moment of remembrance during fireworks to remember the battles that were fought to gain and protect our independence – I hope you take the time to do the same.



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