Time to play catch up…again

IMG_5675 Well, I’m on a pretty consistent pace to check my computer once a week – not great, but at least I’m consistent!  It reminds me of the difference between accurate and precise – I don’t remember what class we learned about it in but it was very interesting to me because I always thought that they were the same but there was a nice visual that always comes to mind when I’m trying to decide whether something is accurate or precise.  It was two dartboards – the one that had darts in the bulls-eye (where did they ever come up with that term??) was accurate (since that’s what you were aiming for) and the other had a cluster of darts together off to the side and that was precise (because you keep hitting the same spot, even if it’s off target).  This image has left such an impression that I usually think of it when someone responds “Precisely!” and then I think “Really?”.  So yeah, little off topic there.  Now you can see how my brain works and why I always have 10 computer windows open at once!

Not too much new here.  Sophie is liking peas.  I didn’t videotape her first bite of them because they’ve all been so anti-climatic (no crazy faces or anything).  I thought for sure she would make one since I didn’t have the video set up but nope, everything was normal.  No matter what she eats, she always likes a little taste first to see what it is and then she’s ready for big bites.  She’s been fussy off and on – I think she’s getting frustrated lately because she wants something and can’t get it (like she wants to roll over or play with something else).  Still no more rolling over…she might be closer to doing it from back to belly than belly to back.  While on her back she really arches and lifts her butt off the ground.  Oh well, she’ll figure it out soon.  Some days I think that it’s her (lack of or emerging) teeth that are bugging her.  She still just has the little dot on the outside of her bottom middle left tooth.  It’s a white dot that doesn’t go away so I’m operating under the assumption that it’s a tooth!

Planted more in the garden last Thursday!  We really finished it off nicely.  More snap peas (gave up on that first batch – don’t know why they didn’t come up but the shelling peas planted the same day did…must have been a bad packet) were planted…the others planted a week or so ago are coming up.  Planted the rest of the four rows of corn (nothing coming up from the first batch).  Also planted some corn in mounds with gourds.  Put pumpkins and gourds in mounds near the ditch too.  Squash is coming up nicely and a few broccolis.  Saw a couple green beans, but not much.  Transplanted tomatoes and peppers.  Peppers weren’t real big but we figured we’d put them out and see how they do.  Most of the tomatoes will make it…looks like a few won’t.  The carrot seeds from last time don’t seem to be doing anything but the radish/carrot mix from the beginning is doing nicely.  Tom said he saw some green onions poking through and the regular onions are taking off nicely.  We planted mounds of potatoes and some watermelon too.  Oh, and cucumbers of course.  The spinach and both sets of lettuce are doing well.  I think I’ll stick with the grouping of lettuce every 6-8 inches instead of doing a row and then thinning later (each packet had different instructions,  I like the group better).  So yeah, I think that’s about it for the garden, look for pictures in the future.

IMG000007 Speaking of growing – Sophie’s in another transition of clothes sizes.  We’re moving quite rapidly from 3-6 to 6-9.  She still seems longer in her torso than legs though since we’ve been in the bigger onesies longer (but of course everything is sized different.  She’s more interested in doing stuff with me (I’m holding her while trying to finish this post) but she gets sick of stuff faster (I’ve already moved her back to the mat).  Of course Sophie would be quite thrilled if she outgrew everything and had to live her life naked.  She’s gone back to her earlier tendency of fussing when you try to put clothes on her (and outright screaming if she’s really tired and cranky).  Well, on to the next thing.  These posts may be more infrequent lately but they’re chocked full of such great info!  :-)  Bye.


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