It’s Like Christmas!

IMG_5382Traded totes with Kelly again today – it’s like Christmas going through all the new clothes and seeing what is in season for her to wear.  Really looking forward to some of these outfits – and as always we love getting clothes to use since it seems like she’s only able to wear some of them a time or two!

We also saw Rich and Carolyn while we were in Saginaw today.  It was great getting a chance to catch up with them and let them meet little Sophie!

She’s still sleeping through the night and she’s getting better at eating cereal.  She got through most of it today without pushing it out.  It was adorable:  she grabbed the spoon at one point and “fed” herself … and then chewed on the spoon.  I wish my batteries weren’t dead on the camera – it would have been an awesome picture.  She’s getting her legs further and further to the side as she lays on her mat…one day she’s going to surprise both of us and roll over.  I really need to give her more tummy time so she can practice rolling over from there (I know, I say that all the time!)

Today after her one feeding, she sat with Tom in the chair for a good 20 minutes or more and watched the Red Wings game.  She really wasn’t looking at anything else, just watching the TV.  She probably can pick up movement in hockey better because of the white background.  Paul’s always saying we need to get a bigger TV; Sophie probably agrees with him because she really likes to watch at Ingrid’s and Michelle’s.

Recycling through pics since my batteries are still dead.  Haven’t finalized the April folder on Ofoto yet for the same reason.



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