Well, I feel like it’s been ages since I posted so let me catch you up on things:
Sophie had her two month check up. Things were good…until the shots. That was a pretty sucky experience all around (especially with all the tears – she had so many that they were forming little droplets on her eyelashes.
Which brings me to eyelashes, it seems like they are getting longer and longer every day. Her hair seems dark some days but lighter others. And her eyes; still don’t know what color her eyes are going to be. They are still mostly gray but they sometimes look like they have hints of dark green in them. We’ll wait and see.
Another side note, is it “grey” or “gray”?
Here’s an update on spring weather: it’s snowing!
Won $30 at the casino today…Mom won $47. She’s always luckier than I am! The $30 is better than the $0 I won last week though! At least I’m not losing.
Mom, Sophie, and I are thinking about heading out to Grand Rapids next weekend, so that’s nice.
Tom has a basketball tournament at Eastern later today. Wish them luck – after all they’re getting old!!!
The kiddo has been cranky at night lately; not every night but off and on. The upside is that she occasionally will sleep 7 hours or so after her 2 hour cranky fit. Not sure if part of it might be early teething. The book (yes, it’s like my bible) said that babies can have symptoms of teething 2-3 months ahead of time (and I guess I have a family history of early teeth) so that could be it. It could just be overstimulation, but the teething fits because she drools sometimes (not spitup, just spit), gets mad when sucking on the bottle even though she’s hungry, and can be calmed by chewing on fingers. But them I’m not sure because that doesn’t always help.
Question of the post: what diapers did your baby like and how close to the pound sizes did they fit?
I think that if you go with cloth you won't have to make a choice. Also, that is going green!
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