Future Moneymakers...or something

First of all, you may have noticed the Book List on the left. Since subbing leaves me with some free time during the day, I've been reading more lately. When I come across something worthwhile, I'll throw the title up there. I'm also looking for suggestions, so if you have a book that you thought was interesting, send me the info along. Libraries ROCK!

I'm also including a list of ideas that I have for future inventions/innovations. I think that it's worth mentioning that I thought of the picture frame with memory card WAY before it even started appearing on the market. However, I usually forget these ideas (I already forgot some that I wanted to include here) and will probably never do anything with them. If you have the desire to help me develop any of these ideas, let me know!

Here's what I'm thinking of lately:
Combination Long Lighter/Scissors (maybe with little drawer for discarded wicks) - this is good for all those times you go to light a candle in another room only to realize that you need to trim the wick first (they burn cleaner with short wicks) so then you have to go back in the other room to find scissors. I know, minor inconvenience but inventions have been successful on less hardships.
Meal Planning on Website - This could be a tie-in for a site like AllRecipes. You would put in the recipes and what time you want dinner to be done and it would break down your meal into a spreadsheet that would list all ingredients needed (for all recipes combined) on the side and then would have a timeline for starting/prepping food and when food needs to go in oven or whatever.
Baby Looks Like... - Could tie in to one of the many baby/parenting sites. This would be similar to the "hot or not" concept of sites. People could upload a picture of their baby/child as well as a pic of each of the parents. Then people would have a list of things and they would choose (maybe a scale of 1-10) if it has Dad's eyes or Mom's nose (or just pick middle for not sure) and then they could also pick an overall "Like Mom" or "Like Dad"
Battery Converter Plug for Lamp - Ever want a lamp in the middle of the room but don't want to run the cord across half of your floor? This would be the solution! It would use battery power and you could plug a lamp into it for a power source (could also have room to wrap/store cord inside of the little power pod)

Well, those are the ideas I have now. Maybe some day I'll find a way to make them come to fruition...maybe with your help!


kelly said...

Ok, I read whenever I can, usually in the car when waiting for kids or when I can lock myself in the bathroom. Here are some good ones I have read lately...
The Road-Cormac McCarthy
Snow Flower & the Secret Fan-Lisa See
Rush Home Road-Lori Lansen
She's Come Undone-Wilbur Smith (actually re-read after about 10yrs)
anything by Augusten Burroughs

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