Holy cow is Sophie growing!! You may have noticed less posts lately – that’s a direct correlation to how much Sophie sleeps during the day. For the last week or so she’s been VERY awake during the day. Her first morning feeding is around 6-7 (I don’t consider the 1-2 am feeding a morning feeding…however, I am starting to consider it a slow form of torture), she usually falls asleep after this feeding in my arms…I can usually put her back in her crib where she stays for all of about 20-30 minutes. Then she’s up again to play. Sometimes she’s content to sit or lay with me and play with a rattle or just look around. Other days, like today, she fusses until I put her on her mat and she’s pretty happy there. Of course, she’ll “talk” to me to let me know when I need to start the music again. After staying awake for an hour or so Sophie works up an appetite and wants to eat again…and start the cycle again. Today I was able to lay her down at 4 for 45 minutes (so far, I think this might be a long nap!!) which should give me a break. Of course, I could be folding laundry right now, but I figured I’d get a post up and a new picture.
Yesterday we had our appointment at the cardiologist. He confirmed that she has a small hole between her top two ventricles and that she also has an extra vessel between two of her arteries in her chest. He believes both of these will resolve with age and we don’t have to go back, so things are good.
Sophie was weighed at the appointment and came in at a whopping 9 pounds 6 ounces which means that she gained a pound and a half in the last 2 weeks. Wow!! She’s finally outgrown newborn size and is in 0-3 months. Every day is something new and exciting for us – things are going good. I’m also including a riveting video (about 15 seconds) of Sophie trying to hit the rattle on her play mat – the sun rattle and the music light are her favorite toys.